”Is tai chi important enough to you, to practice, to gain the benefits? “ (Cathie G.)
Practice and learn from these Qi Gong (breathing) exercises.
Feel Better...
physically, emotionally, spiritually
3 Links: More Tai Chi Relax Tai Chi
"...You have helped me more than you know emotionally. It [my class] has been so calming and I find that, with [another] teaching it’s just another exercise class."
This testimony is deeply appreciated! Thank you to S.W!
Developed by Dr. Paul Lam in coordination with medical and tai chi experts.
Health and exercise experts advise that an exercise program should incorporate movements that improve muscular strength, flexibility, fitness and reduce stress.
Therapeutic Tai Chi programs have been proven to improve all of these components, as well as having additional health benefits of improved relaxation, balance, posture and immunity.
Taught by a liscensed Lifetime Secondary Education Teacher for the State of Missouri.
Program provides gradual increments of exercise levels
Utilizes TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) to focus on energy channels relevant to improved health
Classes are safe and fun
Instructor is Board Certified Tai Chi for Health Institute. (click here)
Can be done by virtually anyone
No special equipment needed
You can do it almost anywhere
Easy and enjoyable
Can be done staning OR seated
Classes are relaxed and non-judgemental
Enjoy a positive class environment conducive to learning
Reduces Stress
Boots lung capacity 20+%
Improves Flexibility
Improves Balance
Enhances Quality of Life
Enjoy making new friends
Feel Better About Yourself
Better Health Starts with You!
"I signed up for this class on the advice of my primary doctor and my physical therapist but did not really think it would be worthwhile. I have to tell you I cannot remember ever feeling more relaxed than upon completing today's session. I particularly like the way you describe and explain what we are to do rather than using the usual jargon. I look forward to future sessions. Thank you". CF
"I appreciate your diligence in teaching everyone each and every nuance of the Tai Chi steps, making complicated steps much easier to learn...this class helped me with my balance, muscle tone and strength...and helped to decrease back pain. Thanks to you it has been fun to learn...You are a gifted teacher." KS
"This class has been a Godsend for me...(to reduce) my constant pain. John has been an excellent instructor in my journey to better health." JH
"I appreciate your dedication to helping so many people learn and benefit from tai chi." SB
"I feel strength returning in some muscles harmed by taking (drugs). I'm sleeping better and ...I love that I don't have to get out of breath and sweaty to achieve (health) benefits. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher. I appreciate your style of teaching, your humor, enthusiasm and patience." VL